Christian Piaget
Welcome to my world of
photographs and prose. I was born in Switzerland in the Neuchâtel Canton and I
live in a very nice area in the Jura of Vaud
in the same country.
My poet soul brings me thoughts and makes me feel serious. As I like writing prose and poems, I would like to develop and improve this passion.
I dedicate myself to my work as geobiologist, in the work of editing and printing the work of Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati, in the management of Association Peace for All, I like gardening, computing and translating.
My special attention: I like especially to promote the message of Peace, Love, Unity, Purity, Divinity from Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati. I enjoy travelling in India; I went there many times, a country of a thousand and one faces to discover! I also like walking around the lake side to admire my favourite animal, wonderful and majestic, the Swan.
Photo is a glimpse I want you to share with me through my travels of these last years. You will find the photos, in the file “Daydreams”. Photos offer the chance to express sensitivity through pictures of such beautiful Mother Nature. It is exciting for me to discover one’s artistic side.
I wonder about the suffering and difficulties experienced in life. Also, I am interested in research and the foundation of human existence. My first experience of farming has attached me a lot to our nourishing soil and to the importance which we all have to preserve this beautiful earth for future generations. I like to feel as a drop of water, belonging to this huge cosmic ocean surrounding us.
Writing… I always enjoyed it, even if I know I still have a lot to learn, in terms of style fluency and in changing my prose into poetry.
Some people studied at a high level, others are self made men… I am one of them, a self taught person. I invite you to read my book, to read these moments of life, real or imaginary. These graceful instants when the Muse came to visit me. A few poems mention Love, others Philosophy. I let you discover them in “Halfway Strolls”.
I would like to introduce you to Kavi Yogi Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati, Indian writer and poet, he wrote many publications and splendid poems in French. He is also one of the founders of the Sholapuram school in South India.
The plans for future?
* | The rise of Centre Christian Piaget. Geobiology analyses, Sama Yoga classes |
* | To promote the Association Peace for All |
* | To develop the diffusion of the Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati books by Editions ASSA |
Christian Piaget, L'Auberson, Juni 26, 2011
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