CD, Duo de Veena, livre de Poèmes Gratitude

Christian Piaget, éditeur & fabricant
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An energetic compilation! In this Veena Duo, the artists shine in the art of Carnatic music. Gratitude in tribute with poems written in French by the sage Shuddhananda Bharati. Gratitude, poèmes  with a preface by Madame Rosette Poletti.

Musical extract from Veena's Duo

Veena Duo

1. Energie 9.51
2. Guirlande 9.48
3. A la Flamme 6.57
4. Sous Ton ciel 7.02
5. Quand je pense 4.10
6. Lumière splendide ! 5.56
7. Descends, ô Divin Empereur ! 31.35

With Govindarajan family.     

Instrument: Veena, Ghatam, Mridangam, Tambura

Musical extract from Veena's Duo